Tuesday, May 19, 2009

NEPAL - Healings Bring Many to Christ

Source: IN Network, August 12, 2008

[A worker] shares of recent happenings in his ministry.
"Within the one and half years of my ministry the Lord has helped me to start three fellowships in different villages. In one district I have led 22 people in Christ, mostly from a tribal group. 

"Recently, I led an old lady to Christ who is a bit more than 82 years old, but the villagers became very unhappy of her conversion and started to persecute her. They forced her to bring me to the village. She came down to meet me at my home. I collected all my courage to go with her. I greeted all the village leaders and introduced myself. One of the village leaders barked, "Why did you proselyte her faith?" 

"God gave me courage and the right words to speak that time. He also made them quiet until I finished my conversation. I told them about the transformation in that old lady's life who was in a desperate condition. She could not walk before, and now she is healed. The village leaders dispersed after the old lady herself declared that it was her will to believe in the true God. 

"The work of the Lord has been growing in an even greater way after that incident. Six believers took water baptism in the first week of May."

Full story 

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