Monday, December 27, 2010

101 things about Queretaro

Actually the following post was found HERE at the Poulette Family's blog. It was actually titled "101 things about Mexico City". Since Queretaro and Mexico City are relatively close (2 hours away from each other), many, if not all of the "things" listed are similar. Where there might be differences or where I felt I needed to add a little more information, I added my comments in italics.

101 things about Mexico City

We were taught to be students of the culture in order to effectively minister. Here are 101 things about Mexico City that we have observed since getting here. They aren’t good things or bad things. Many are just different.

  1. There are 31 speed bumps between my house and my work. Actually there are 31 speed bumps (topes) between any two points.
  2. You will get stood up. Bank on it.
  3. If someone talks about “your house,” they are really talking about “their” house. (My house is your house)
  4. The banks will be packed on the 15th and the 1st of the month.
  5. If you don’t know what it is, don’t eat it. La VERDAD!
  6. Brain can be served in a tortilla.
  7. Stomach can be served in a tortilla.
  8. There are many different types of mole (a typical salsa). It takes a while to find one that you like.
  9. There is no Taco Bell. Taco Bell is Mexican food?
  10. There are more people in the city at night. This is not true of Queretaro. Queretaro becomes a ghost town around 11 p.m.
  11. Asking, how long will it take to get there is considered a stupid question. This is not true of Queretaro. Traveling around the city is very simple and quick.
  12. Never say, just follow the green taxi. Especially here in QRO because we do not have "green taxis".
  13. Motorcycles don’t have to stay in a lane. And they can pass you going 100 miles an hour and no one blinks an eye.
  14. Car alarms are ignored. Always. Car alarms are not a common sound around our area.
  15. You can get your side view mirrors stolen off your car.
  16. You might see cows in your front yard. YES!!! AND HORSES AND SHEEP AND GOATS. One time we had a bull standing in the middle of the street and was not letting cars pass. YES! This happened in the city! :)
  17. Dog poop happens. Yes but not as bad as San Jose, Costa Rica!
  18. Bus drivers are not afraid to hit you. I dont think they know that that cars exist.
  19. If you get there on time, you’re early.
  20. The electricity can go out for no apparent reason. AND the water (as it is right now).
  21. You can buy almost anything on the side of the road.
  22. Dogs are used as a house alarm.
  23. Dogs bark at all hours.
  24. There will be someone trying to give you a flyer at a speed bump. Or at a stop sign or at a stop light or in the parking lot or in the...
  25. You will tip someone everyday. True but this is good because it is the only income that some people make.
  26. Clowns juggle at intersections. They juggle everything from balls to toys to torches... for tips.
  27. Stores might be open at the time they say they are open, but probably not.
  28. Nobody will leave a message on your answering machine.
  29. Nothing ends on time. Time what is that?
  30. You can get knock offs of just about everything.
  31. Electronics are expensive. Mac is 2x as expensive!
  32. Fruit is cheap.
  33. If you miss your exit, you change your plans (usually). This is not true for QRO.
  34. The map book has over 200 pages (for the city). QRO has 40.
  35. If you ask for directions, chances are the person doesn’t know. So their answer is just go straight down the road.
  36. There’s one gas company…government owned pemex…no competition there.
  37. The gas guy for your house may try to rip you off. YUP.
  38. They paint lines on the street by hand.
  39. McDonald’s has gigantic playgrounds.
  40. Lunch is at 2 or 3 pm.
  41. Customer service…what customer service?
  42. Pizza has very little sauce (if any).
  43. Movies are mostly in English with subtitles.
  44. You should really only plan to get one thing done in a day.
  45. If someone will be late or not show up to a meeting, they will probably not call you to tell you about it.
  46. Stopping at a red light most of the time is optional.
  47. There might be a pothole big enough to eat your car in your lane at any time.
  48. The pedestrian does not have the right of way.
  49. You will be offered just about any type of “fruit water.”
  50. Smog (cough, cough) what smog?
  51. You should get your car washed everyday like everyone else.
  52. If someone thanks you by showing the back of their hand (in a sort of obscene way), it’s normal. LOL!!!
  53. Don’t pronounce English words with an English accent or nobody will understand you. For example, you must pronounce “hot dog” with a Spanish accent.
  54. By the way, a hot dog is the full thing (dog, bun, ketchup, etc). A salchicha is just the hot dog and can be used as a pizza topping.
  55. Ketchup goes on pizza.
  56. Music can never be played too loud.
  57. Stores hire dancing girls to promote their products.
  58. The best way to park your car is backing it in.
  59. A money loan to a friend should be seen as a gift.
  60. You can get a piƱata of whatever cartoon character you can imagine.
  61. The word translated right now can mean anytime in the (maybe) future.
  62. Cake can have the milk IN IT (and it’s good).
  63. You can watch soccer 24 hours a day.
  64. If you need to change lanes, just stick your arm out the window and the other person is obligated to let you in.
  65. You can back up in your car even if there are people coming up behind you.
  66. You can do just about anything in your car if you put on your flashers... like backing down the middle of the "interstate" because you missed your exit 500 yards behind you.
  67. If you need windshield wipers, the best place to buy them is on the side of the road.
  68. Hardly anything is open on Mondays.
  69. You can get stuck in traffic going to the grocery store. Not true here.
  70. If you see traffic in an unusual spot, chances are there’s a traffic cop directing (creating) it.
  71. Pretty much everyone has a cell phone.
  72. If you call a cell phone, you pay for the call.
  73. You get 100 outgoing calls per month on your home phone.
  74. Traffic roundabouts are dangerous. You could get stuck in one all day.
  75. You can get a pre-paid minutes card for your cell phone while waiting at an intersection.
  76. In just about every parking lot, someone will ask you if you want your car washed, whether it needs it or not.
  77. Parking is almost never free.
  78. I hope you like mayonnaise. It will be loaded on your sandwich.
  79. Left turns are usually a no-no. You must make a u-turn.
  80. You better know how to parallel park.
  81. You don’t walk on the sidewalk. You walk on the road... because of uneven sidewalks and dog poop.
  82. Uneven pavement is a fact of life.
  83. You can buy corn on the cob smothered with mayonnaise and chili powder.
  84. Popcorn at the movies must be accompanied by hot salsa.
  85. Japanese peanuts aren’t really from Japan (or are they?)
  86. Lots of people wear suits and ties.
  87. Pizza is 2 for 1 on Tuesday.
  88. Movies are 2 for 1 on Wednesday.
  89. Everything is “straight ahead” if you ask for directions.
  90. The trunks of trees should be painted white…I think it has something to do with bugs.
  91. If you see a cop with his lights on, it just means he’s patrolling the neighborhood. It’s not because you did something wrong. Yes they have scared the pants off of me more than once!
  92. You might get a receipt for the slip of toilet paper you buy at a public restroom.
  93. Babies should be covered all the way pretty much at all times.
  94. Children are not allowed to drink cold drinks or they will get sick.
  95. Baby car seats are optional.
  96. A traveling market can take up a whole street (and cause more traffic).
  97. Coca Cola from a bottle goes great with tacos. Yes this is true!
  98. Grasshoppers can be eaten live.
  99. You should sweep the street in front of your house everyday like everyone else. With a thing that resembles a broom but looks more like 3 dozen sticks jutting out of a broom handle.
  100. The garbage men sit in the back of the truck and sort the trash.
  101. Personal space doesn’t exist.
  102. You can fit 15 people in a Volkswagen beetle

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Jesus came...

Who Is Christmas For?

Matt B. Redmond:

Jesus came for those who look in the mirror and see ugliness.

Jesus came for daughters whose fathers never told them they were beautiful.

Christmas is for those who go to “wing night” alone.

Christmas is for those whose lives have been wrecked by cancer, and the thought of another Christmas seems like an impossible dream.

Christmas is for those who would be nothing but lonely if not for social media.

Christmas is for those whose marriages have careened against the retaining wall and are threatening to flip over the edge.

Christmas is for the son whose father keeps giving him hunting gear when he wants art materials.

Christmas is for smokers who cannot quit even in the face of a death sentence.

Christmas is for prostitutes, adulterers, and porn stars who long for love in every wrong place.

Christmas is for college students who are sitting in the midst of the family and already cannot wait to get out for another drink.

Christmas is for those who traffic in failed dreams.

Christmas is for those who have squandered the family name and fortune—they want “home” but cannot imagine a gracious reception.

Christmas is for parents watching their children’s marriage fall into disarray.

You can read the whole thing


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thai Torture

I came up against a 4'6", 90 pound, Thai lady who lives in Seattle who could have destroyed Brock Lesner. She was our waitress at Ma Tai's. I asked her about the spiciness of a particular plate and she said that the plate was a 4 out of 5 stars in hotness and that I would like it. Thinking that it was probably too hot for me and that I should probably choose a 2 1/2 or 3 star plate, I asked her what she usually ate. She politely said, "oh you Americans cant eat like us. I eat a 20 in hotness".
So my machismo took over and thought, "If this little lady can eat a 20, there is NO WAY that I am going to order less than a 4. And what does she mean "you Americans"."
Three bites into it I started crying like a little girl... And it only got worse. Though I wanted to stop eating, it tasted so good I couldn't stop... Besides I was not going to let her see me not eat it, even if she could make Lesner tap out.

It was so good I had what I couldnt finish at lunch, for supper, and I cried again. Except this time I was able to do it in the privacy of my home.
Brock, you may be bad by UFC standards but you BETTER NOT cross Ma Tai.
Boy oh boy! does my stomach hurt this morning.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tim Keller: Urban Plant Life PDFs

Here are PDF's of talks Tim Keller gave at the Urban Plant Life conference in London a couple of years ago. You can also check out the audio/video or grab the podcast. But having documents you can print and search is very helpful. Thanks to@BradAndrews for the heads-up.

1. Gospel Renewal
Church & Culture
Contextual & Missional
Gospel Theology
Integrative Ministry
Gospel Preaching
Gospel Theology
Movement Dynamics
Church Planting

(original location


Friday, October 29, 2010

My Friend... A Tragic Life

My wife, kids and a family friend had just left Pikes Place Market and we had walked to the pickup so that we could leave and see more of Seattle. Little did I know that I was about to see a part of Seattle that most do not get to see up close.

I had just climbed into the driver's seat and was waiting for my wife, the kids and our friend to get into the pick up on the passenger side when Megan opened the door and stated in an urgent manner that I needed to come to the back of the truck quickly. Thinking that a cop was about to give us a parking ticket I hurried to the back of the truck. What I found was a homeless man asking for help.

Immediately my defenses went up and I became a little roused. I was having a type of mini flash back to Vancouver when another homeless man had approached Megan asking for financial assistance. When she told him that she did not have money he became increasingly agitated towards her and gave threatening hints that it would be in her best interest that she needed to donate to "his cause". Luckily I walked up and nothing transpired from that point.

I dont mind people coming to me and asking for assistance nor do I mind it when they become upset when I do not give them the assistance they ask for (I am happy to give food, help or whatever but am not willing to always give money for obvious reasons). When it comes to my wife, that is a different story. One can ask her for help, and if she is able to help, I know that she will. Becoming agitated and threatening becomes totally different and a line is crossed.

Thankfully as I approached the back of the truck I was able to contain my concern and express respect toward this man who would quickly become my friend. When I approached him, his back was to me. Our friend who was with us looked over this man's shoulder and when she did he quickly turned to see who was behind him. Upon seeing me he introduced himself and asked for help. As he did he handed me a card, a card that I was somewhat familiar with. I knew that the card was from a Evangelical organization who's aim was to minister to the homeless.

This organization provides a place to stay for the night, a shower and food for just a handful of dollars. He expressed his desire to stay there. No... it was more than a desire, it was an urgency or even a type of desperation. But it was not the same as the man in Vancouver's desperation. This man's was a desire of escape from the streets to a safe place whereas the man in Vancouver's desire was a desire to escape from reality to where ever the poison that he would buy, with the money we contributed to his "cause", would lead him.

This man I had just met had a very humble manner to him. His manner was that of a dog that had been kicked which I would soon learn as to why. But he also displayed a sense of godliness. I asked him if he knew Jesus, expecting his answer to be what most people who are begging is, "yes I know Jesus". And that is the answer that he gave me. Except this man said, "Yes I know Jesus." Chris then began to humbly quote scripture; not just John 3:16 but other passages. Lots of other passages. Passages that the average person wouldn't know.

I asked Megan and our friend to take the kids shopping at the antique store while I visited with this man who was about to become a friend. Megan graciously said OK and they headed into the store.

Chris, my new friend, climbed into the truck with me and we began to talk. God really began to give me new eyes to those in need. My understanding of people's pain began to grow. Chris shared that 3 years ago he had a happy marriage, they had a new baby and were regular church attenders.

That all changed in a wink of an eye.

Their baby girl died.

His wife couldn't handle it and committed suicide shortly after.

Chris went off the deep end.

He said that he started drinking and using drugs to escape the pain. He said that in just a short time he had lost his child, wife, job and home and found himself 2 hours away on the cold wet streets of downtown Seattle, making camp under a bridge, a bridge that a hundred thousand cars cross over everyday.

I couldn't keep the tears from welling up... even now they return.

I was able to encourage Chris by reminding him of various Scriptures; Scriptures that tell of God's love for His children and how He will take care of, and care for, those who are His and that he, being a child of God, is certainly cared for by Him. I told him of a new church plant in the Belltown area and he told me that he attended another church in the Belltown area. I encouraged him to really get involved with that church and to continue to seek the Lord and His will for his life.

During our conversation (Im not sure at what point he told me this story) Chris told me that when he had attended church with his family in Yakima that he hardly ever listened to the sermons. He said that he would fade off to other things of life. Amazed he told me that after he had been living on the streets that God continually brought Scripture to his mind. He said that he was able to recall complete passages though he had never taken the time to sit down and memorize them. He said that God's Word was what was helping him to come back to reality and get a grip on things.

I found myself digging in my pockets, in my back pack and in the cigarette tray trying to dig up all the money I had. Upon giving the money, as well as various other goodies like a stash of Power Bars to Chris, I made him promise that he would spend it wisely. He said he would.

I trusted him.

I told him that I would lovingly hold him accountable since I had obtained his email just prior to me giving him these things. Instead of being offended, he was thankful, thankful not just because I gave him money but that I would hold him accountable.

Before we departed company we were able to pray for one another. What a blessing it was to have met him. God showed me things about who He is in our encounter as well as things about myself. I look forward to the day that he and I will be able to rejoice together when we get to heaven.

No I do not understand why Chris' life has been so tragic. Nor will I pretend to do so. Knowing that God is sovereign and that He dearly loves His children, I will have to rest in the fact that though I do not see the sense in what has transpired in Chris life, that God's purposes are being played out.

I will have to trust that God know's what is best. All the time. In all circumstances.
I heard back from Chris a week later. He wrote me saying that he had indeed spent the money wisely. He said that he was able to stay in the shelter mentioned above for several days and that he was able to buy some good socks. Socks that would keep his feet in good shape, dry and warm for the coming winter months.


Socks to keep one's feet healthy, dry and warm.

What a horrible life Chris must live right now.

When good socks are a priority to survival...

Two months later I am still not able to get my mind around this engagement. At the same time I am still numbed with the horror that has transpired in Chris' life while joyed in being able to see God's provision for Chris through blessing him with the nourishment of His Word through the miraculous ability to recall passages that had never really been studied. Too I am humbly grateful in knowing that I have not had to live a life such as the one that Chris has led.

I think that I will stop here. Right now I cant think about it anymore.

If you have stumbled onto this page I pray that this story haunts you as it has me. I pray that Chris' story will stay burned into your memory as he has mine so that you will pray for him as well as those who live on the streets who have stories similar to his.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Friend.... Engaging in Story-Life Inside a Story

Engaging in Story

Downloadby Jeff Vanderstelt May 6, 2010

Life Inside a Story

Everyone Has a Dominant Story

Every person you encounter, every community you enter into and every culture you engage has a dominant Story with many sub-stories. The Dominant Story is the most prominent, compelling and controlling informant for how people perceive God, others and the world. Some call this a worldview because it is the lens through which they view the world. One’s worldview shapes how they receive and process information, engage in relationships, make decisions and shape their philosophy and beliefs. You can discover a person’s dominant story by asking questions.

Complete this sentence with the first 3-5 descriptions that come to your mind “God is…”






Write down the three words that come to your mind when you hear the word “Father”:




How you responded reveals part of your Story…How you describe God is connected to your dominant Story…What you think of Father comes from your dominant Story…

IN GROUPS: Discuss how you believe Your Story shapes your response…


When I read the above exercise it came at a very amazing time. It was clear that God was showing me a new way to think about people as well as myself.

I had worked for many hours on this video. It is a video about homeless women. Though I was not able to capture all the aspects of homelessness well, the intent was to show that drugs are a huge contributor to homelessness. It really gave me new insight into the plight that many, not only women but me as well, have in regards to homelessness. This video, even after making it, continued to disturb me.

Little did I know what God was preparing me for.

Since we had arrived in the Seattle area some 2 - 2 1/2 months prior, I had been dying to go downtown Seattle in order to take pictures as well as to observe the people. Interestingly the day that I had scheduled to go downtown happened to be the same day that a pastor from Mars Hill agreed to meet with me. This pastor at one time had been a homeless addict who had been saved by the grace of God. Unfortunately the meeting was canceled and I was never able to visit with him.

During my time downtown I took hundreds of photos; photos of buildings, photos of alleys; photos of people; photos of posters; photos of gum wall, you name it. If it was interesting, I took a picture of it.

Having never ridden the light rail system here in Seattle, I decided that since my feet were killing me from walking who knows how many miles, I would hop aboard and ride out to the airport and back. We had traveled no more than two stops when a rough looking lady came and sat by me. You could tell that she had lived a life that no father would ever want his daughter to live. Some of her front teeth were gone. Her hair was dry and brittle. Her skin was weathered. Her hands did not look like the hands of one who has spent the majority of their time in-doors.

Soon after sitting she pulled out a hard back, black Bible and opened to Romans chapter 8. When I noticed what book she was reading I told her that Romans was my favorite book of the Bible. She smiled and said, "ya me too". She then stated that though she loved the God's Word, there was a lot that she still did not understand. She asked me if I would help explain to her what a particular section in the Bible was saying.

I joyfully went through these verses explaining to the best of my ability what Paul was saying as he wrote this.

I do not remember exactly how but we got on the topic of how she came to Christ. She told me that a year before, she had been homeless, a drug addict and a lesbian but God had delivered her from her life style (from her sin). She was now sharing her love for Jesus with all her old friends, as well as all who would listen to her, both friends or strangers.

She shared that as a little girl, her father had molested her often and that her view of what a father was, made her want to have NOTHING to do with God the Father.

She said, "The only understanding I had of what a father was... was horrible. I did not want to even get close to God because I was afraid of Him. I was afraid that if I let Him get too close to me, He would do horrible things to me. I was afraid of Him and did not want to have anything to do with Him."

She went on to tell me how a year ago she came to know her heavenly Father and was amazed that He was nothing like the father who had molested her as a little girl! She said that her heavenly Father loved her. She said that she could not get over the love that He had for her. She was truly amazed.

Not long after meeting my friend Colleen I came across "Engaging in Story-Life Inside a Story". I saw how Colleen's story is a perfect example of this exercise. Her whole worldview was affected by how her earthly father had treated her. Her understanding of who God is had been so distorted that it caused her to run from Him.

Jeff Vanderstelt wrote in this exercise, "How you responded reveals part of your Story…How you describe God is connected to your dominant Story…What you think of Father comes from your dominant Story…" hit the nail on the head. Jeff went on to write, "His Story precedes, finishes, corrects and ultimately makes sense of all other stories. " and I was privileged to be able to hear how He had worked in her life to correct it and how He was making sense of it.

To see God's hand in this is humbling. To have been able to be a part of her God story, of having the great honor of explaining the text that she was inquiring about makes me wonder if He had sent an angel to sit by me on my way to the airport. :) The reason I say this is because of the passage that she asked me to explain to her. My time here in Seattle, the relationships I have made, the things I have learned, the materials I have "stumbled" upon, the teachers I have come across has been too perfect, too perfect to be just "coincidence". It is clear that God's providence is clearly being played out.

The two pictures in this post are of her. Unfortunately neither are very good but they did capture the time with her well. One is of her pointing to the passage in question and the other is after she had gotten off the train and as the train was passing, she was waving to say good bye not knowing for sure which car I was on.

As I type this I praise God for the work He has done in my life as my 5 year old daughter climbs on me kissing me, squeezing me and telling me that she loves me.

God is good.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Friend: The man with no hope

I met a man a couple of months ago who had no hope. I have wracked my brain trying to remember his name but am not able to recall it. He is about 60, grey hair, beard, very intelligent, drives an old beat up Suburban from the late 70's but has an engine in it that would smoke a Vett. I know this because I saw it and talked to him about his Suburban at length.
My friend, who I met at the state park on Camano Island, was putting his fishing gear in the back when I asked him about the tires on his Suburban. You see this Suburban was not just any Suburban. This Suburban was old. I mean real old. There were more holes around the fender wells from rust than there were not. The interior was rotted and the cloth thing that is on the ceiling of the Suburban was hanging down in several spots. That is why I asked him about his tires. His tires were racing tires. The back tires were easily 4 inches wider than normal. They just looked fast. Fast like the cars you see when you go to a drag race.
My friend's eyes lit up. He immediately started telling me about his "truck". He told me how he had been fixing it up for several years now. He told me how he had to rebuild the engine 2x because he had blown something up in it (Im not a mechanic otherwise I might be able to remember what blew). He told me how he had to do something to the transmission because the transmission he had in it would not be able to keep up with the engine that was now in it.
I asked him if he had raced anyone and he just smiled and said "no". When I asked him if he was crazy he just smiled and once again said "no". So I asked him if anyone had ever come up beside him who had a fast car and if he had revved the engine trying to get them to race. He said that he hadnt but that he did have some "punk kid" fly up on his back bumper on the interstate one time and that it had "pissed" him off. He said that when the kid got up beside him as he was trying to pass, my friend said that he looked at the kid, made eye contact and punched it. All that was left was a cloud of dust. He said the kid tried to keep up with him but that he blew the doors of the "little Jap" car. Several minutes later after he had slowed down to a safer speed, the kid pulled up beside him. Laughing, my friend said that the kids eyes were as big as saucers. He said the kid never knew what hit him.
As we talked I was able to ask him some probing questions about his life. I found out that his wife, who was almost 20 years his senior, had recently passed. She was his world. She was his only friend. He was a loner. He said that he didnt know how to make friends. He was lost with out her.
Since he had retired about 5 years ago from Microsoft due to medical reasons (my friends health was not so good) he said that he only had time to think about her. He said that was why he was out fishing. He had gone and bought brand new fishing equipment so that he would make himself get out of his house so that he could stop thinking about his wife and try to leave his loneliness for a time.
I tried to express my concern for him. I asked him if he would like to meet at another time so that we could fish together. He replied "no... I dont like fishing. I think that Ill just go home. My dog needs me".
I asked him about his dog.
He told me that he loved his dog. He said with a faint grin that his dog loved it when he came home. Drifting off he added, "when my dog is gone... Ill have nothing. Ya when my dog is gone, I will too".
Knowing what he meant I still asked him what he was talking about.
With little strength he looked at the ground and said, "when my dog dies I will have no reason to go on living. When he dies I will take my life. Nothing can take away my loneliness."
I knew that I had little time to share Jesus with him so I started asking him what he understood about the Bible, who Jesus was etc...

He knew.

He knew all the right answers.

However he didnt know Jesus and he didnt want to know Him.

My friend opened his car door and climbed in.

I tried to keep the conversation going.

He didnt want to talk.

I asked him to wait just a minute while I grabbed something out of my car.

I grabbed a tract that was in the glove box.

It was my last chance to...

He kindly waited.

I handed it to him and asked him again if I could meet him at that park in the future so that we could go fishing together.

He never answered. He smiled and drove off...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Detroit Lives

A really great look at Detroit. Anyone interested in cities, suburban sprawl, culture, art and creativity needs to watch all three parts. One of the coolest things I've ever seen on these topics.
Steve McCoy

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Friend: J_____

I met J on a beach on Lopez Island north of Seattle, Wa. I will not give all the details that I learned about him, just the ones that hopefully will express and remind us of man's depravity.

This 20 something young man was a talented, young photographer and was one of the brightest kids I had ever met. Being a wanna be photographer who is one step above a point and shoot photographer, I had to ask him all kinds of questions regarding taking great photos. Soon the conversation came around to religion. As the evening wore on, it grew dark. Because he was so bright and was coming up with some great questions as well as objections to religion (Christianity more specifically), I offered to give him a ride to where he was staying that night because his friends had already come by and told him they were ready to leave about 30 minutes prior. On the way to where he was staying, the conversation continued to go deeper and deeper regarding Christianity... My friend soon admitted to sexual sins that most parents shudder at. As well, this same sin causes many parents to disown their children when they discover their involvement in it. However my friend did not stop with sharing this information.

He continued.

I soon found out that this young man's sexual sins were far worse than the previous admitted sin and as a result, he was suicidal. I will stop and just say that I am not able to write about it at this time. I only write this in order to help paint a picture of J's lostness and man's depravity.

Even after several hours of one on one Scripture study, counseling with, loving on and encouraging, this young man only wanted to reject the Truth that I had been sharing with him. Though he really and truly understood how wrong his life was, he did not want to give up the desire to be loved and cared for that he had. He thought that the only way he could be truly loved and cared for was through a human relationship. The reason I know that he truly understood why his life choices were wrong again is not able to be discussed any further in this venue other than that he had suicidal thoughts as a direct result of his newest step downward into his sexual sin. Like Judas, J was remorseful as a result of his sin. Remorseful to the point of wanting to kill himself. However J, like Judas, did not want to submit to the Lord and repent of his sins.

I left my friend that night as I watched him walk to the boat that he was staying on for the night, praying that God would reveal Himself to him; praying that He would give J a new heart that would understand the depth of his depravity, not just because his sexual sin was great, but because even his most mundane sin is great. I prayed that seeing his depravity, J would repent and turn to the Lord, trusting in the Sacrifice that was made 2000 years before.

Sadly that night my new friend had no desire to bow to his Maker. His number one desire was to be loved; just not by God.

Somedays later, after being haunted by the discussion of this night, I began to wonder if the reason for my friends sexual sins was a result of his tyrant mother who I found out during our discussion was a mother who was vile and evil. She would constantly belittle him, embarrass him and abuse him in every way other than sexually. Sometimes as a little boy, J told me that his mother would come to him out of the blue and ask him how many times she was going to hit him in the face. He said that he knew that he had to answer her because if he didnt it would get real bad. He said that he learned that if he didnt guess a high enough number, her response would be bad as well. So he said that if he guessed 7 or 8 times she would usually accept that and begin hitting him. I wondered if the reason he was so mixed up in his sexual identity was because he did not see women as people capable of not only being trusted, but loved. Maybe that is the catalyst that sent this young man down such a lonely, dark, horrendous nightmare of a life. Because I do not wish to share my friends information further, you will have to trust that his life was, and at this time, is a sad, lonely, living nightmare.

Read John Bell's article on "Gay Village" HERE

Read Bob Thune's article HERE


I must share the following. It has now been several months since I met J. We are now Facebook friends so I am able to shoot him encouraging notes, letting him know that I am praying for him. Just this past week I was reading "Total Church" where they were explaining Pascal's Wager. Because J and I had discussed Pascal's Wager that night I wanted to share with him what Pascal's point was so I basically plagiarized a page from the book and sent it to him.
Please do not think that I am pointing to myself at all when you read J's response.

J-"Wow that was very enlightening thanks. I'd like you to know that your prayer has brought about change and I really honestly believe it's your prayer that has allowed God to be like ready or not here I come. My relationship with God was not self initiated it was not me saying God take control of my life. It was God through the holy spirit and reinforced by your prayer being like whether you like it or not you are wrong you know it and I know you know it so hearer I come. Thank you and please continue to pray for me, being a Christian is not easy for me, it does not make life easier, it's not all flowers and sunshine. It's a constant struggle in which my will is put to the challenge on a daily basis by the will of God. He broke my hip.

Thank you, J

P.S.- Maybe sometime when I'm in Texas again we can go get coffee or something, this Christmas I will be in Washington if you are to and want to get some food or something It would be an honor."

Only our God can change hearts of stone to hearts of flesh! Our God is great! He is a merciful God, a God who gives grace to underserving sinners like ourselves. Praises to our Lord and Savior!