Tuesday, May 19, 2009

USA - Baptists Set Guidelines for Contextualization

Source: International Mission Board, November 15, 2007

Making the Gospel more accessible to the world's 6,500 unreached people groups - that was the goal of new guidelines adopted by trustees of the International Mission Board at their Springfield, Illinois board meeting November 6-7.

Trustees outlined five "principles of contextualization" to further the church-planting efforts of more than 5,300 Southern Baptist missionaries serving around the globe. The guidelines' purpose is to help missionaries more effectively share Christ across cultural and religious boundaries without compromising the Gospel.

"Anthropology and sociology teach us that every people group has distinctive differences in language and culture," explained Gordon Fort, IMB vice president for overseas operations.

"Contextualization allows a missionary to separate a people's traditions from our doctrinal foundations and apply an appropriate trellis that shapes the new church in its most indigenous form. This allows new believers to grow within a cultural framework that is true to biblical foundations. It helps us avoid building rectangular buildings for people who live in round huts."

Noting that the guidelines are already practiced by Southern Baptist missionaries, IMB President Jerry Rankin affirmed the trustees' action.

The full text of the principles of contextualization adopted by the board of trustees, including footnotes is available

PRESENTATION MATERIALS - The State of the Gospel


Jason Mandryk has taken Patrick Johnstone's mantle as editor for
Operation World. He sent us his 35-minute "State of the Gospel" presentation from the Lausanne Younger Leader's Gathering 2006 in Malaysia. Great stuff: well-researched, God-focused, hopeful, compelling, and passionately presented! 

You can have a copy, too. Discover how the kingdom is expanding today, be inspired, and get some pithy points and facts for your next newsletter, blog entry, or sermon. Show the DVD to your Sunday school class, 
Perspectives class, small group, or mission committee. It's powerful. Incorporate maps or charts into your next presentation. Or slyly pass on the MP3 files to any iPod users you want to influence!

Most of this is free: Get the MP3 audio files (11 Mb) or PowerPoint presentation (11 Mb)
here. Get the PDF (4 Mb) of an article written for Momentum Magazine here.

To get the most out of it, though, you'll want the DVD. It includes all of the above plus Jason's detailed speaking notes and a high-quality video of the actual presentation in Malaysia, with graphics and photos interspersed. You can have a copy for a few dollars plus postage and send payment to your nearest WEC office. Make your request and work out the details with Jason, in the UK, 

MEDIA - Presentation Materials from Joshua Project

Source: Dan Scribner, Joshua Project

Dan writes: Thanks for the 
recent article about Jason Mandryk's "State of the Gospel" presentation. A while back Jason gave us permission to make his PowerPoint available for download here. Joshua Project also offers several other Great Commission PowerPoint Presentations given at the Ethne '06 conference. Another PowerPoint, "The Status of World Evangelization" is available in English, Spanish, German, and Traditional and Simplified Chinese.

There are a number of other items such as maps, handouts etc. on this download page that readers of Missions Catalyst might be interested in. Any data listing on the Joshua Project website can be downloaded in Excel or Word formats.

Thanks, Dan!

ETHIOPIA - Woman Raised from the Dead

Source: Joel News, March 11, 2008

Fatuma Shubisa, an Ethiopian mother of nine, fell sick and, after some time, she was found to have passed away by her mother who had come to care for her. 

Word of Fatuma's passing reached the ears of a Christian missionary named Warsa Buta who was in the area. Acting on a promise he says the Lord gave him the day he was saved - that God would raise the dead through him - Buta sought out the deceased woman. A non-Christian crowd gathered as Buta continued to pray over Fatuma's sheet-covered body. They asked, "Why is this Pentecostal man praying over a dead body?" 

Warsa related what happened next, "I had faith the Lord would work through me. I prayed as Peter prayed. 'Fatuma, be raised. I ask you in the name of the Lord. Come to life.' When I prayed that prayer - 'Fatuma, rise in the name of Jesus' - she sat up in the bed." 

It had been 12 hours since Fatuma had died. During the time she was deceased, Fatuma apparently experienced some wonderful glimpses of Heaven which she talks about on a 
CBN video report.

Full story with picture here.

INDIA - Prominent Woman Healed and Saved, Pastors Beaten

ASSIST News, April 27, 2008

Two pastors were beaten by Hindu radicals in Kammanapalli village, Nizamabad district, Andhra Pradesh on April 24.   

[According to
The Global Council of Indian Christians], when the pastors visited a lady church member named Sister Vijaya, they were suddenly beaten up by Hindu radicals and their Bibles burned to ashes. They were admitted to a hospital and treated for internal injuries and sprains. The pastors were also threatened with dire consequences if they visit the lady again.

Miss Vijaya had been suffering from kidney stones for many years and in excruciating pain. A few months ago she asked the pastors for prayer and was cured, much to the surprise of her doctors and relatives. Since then she embraced Christianity and is growing in her faith. Sister Vijaya is a prominent leader from a high caste, and her conversion has unnerved area Hindu radicals.

Full story 

MOZAMBIQUE - Woman Raised From the Dead

Operation Mobilization Headlines, August 18-24, 2008

Innocencia was ill with malaria, and went into a coma and died. Mozambique OM Country Leader, Antonio Nipueda, was called to the hospital. He prayed Psalm 23 over her and Innocencia revived! The nurses didn't believe it was Innocencia when they saw her, and everyone at the hospital surrounded her to have a look. 

Innocencia was not a Christian before she became ill. She came to faith after she got her life back and went to spend a few days with Bible students. She then went back to pray for other sick people, one of whom subsequently came out of a coma. 
She is now going from house to house sharing her testimony, and has already brought five people to Jesus.

Praise God that He restores life. Pray for Innocencia as she matures in her faith, that God would continue to use her greatly.

Sign up for OM Headlines

MOZAMBIQUE - 'Mad Man' Delivered and Healed

Source: Iris Ministries, December, 2008 

We thank you so much for your prayers for us in our little corner of Mozambique. God has given us two precious brothers, Victo and Anold, who have been evangelizing local villages with a great passion. 

Victo and Anold found themselves ministering to a mad man and his family. The witch doctors had been called for to begin applying their traditional medicines. "But all this is not working!" the uncle explained to Victo and Anold, "My nephew just gets worse and worse."

Victo began to share truth. "The evil spirits that are in the witchdoctor are friends of the witchdoctor, and they work together. Darkness will never flee from darkness! Light causes darkness to flee!"

When the family was met with the challenge of choosing to believe either in God's power or the witchdoctor, they admitted they were too afraid to remove the traditional medicine that had been placed around the mad man's neck.

"No! The madness that has come upon him could be transferred to us if we take off the necklace and burn it!"

Anold and Victo [offered], "If you would like it, we can take off the necklace ourselves and burn it."

The family watched these men of God, Africans like them, walking in the authority of Jesus Christ, sure that the evil spirits had no power over them. 

Full story

NEPAL - Healings Bring Many to Christ

Source: IN Network, August 12, 2008

[A worker] shares of recent happenings in his ministry.
"Within the one and half years of my ministry the Lord has helped me to start three fellowships in different villages. In one district I have led 22 people in Christ, mostly from a tribal group. 

"Recently, I led an old lady to Christ who is a bit more than 82 years old, but the villagers became very unhappy of her conversion and started to persecute her. They forced her to bring me to the village. She came down to meet me at my home. I collected all my courage to go with her. I greeted all the village leaders and introduced myself. One of the village leaders barked, "Why did you proselyte her faith?" 

"God gave me courage and the right words to speak that time. He also made them quiet until I finished my conversation. I told them about the transformation in that old lady's life who was in a desperate condition. She could not walk before, and now she is healed. The village leaders dispersed after the old lady herself declared that it was her will to believe in the true God. 

"The work of the Lord has been growing in an even greater way after that incident. Six believers took water baptism in the first week of May."

Full story 

CDs - Church Mission Resources from David Mays

Source: Brigada Today, July 27, 2008

Stuff You Need to Know about Doing Missions (Brownsburg, IN: David Mays, 2008), 400+ pages. USD$32.00 from David Mays.

Stuff You Need to Know about Doing Missions in Your Church has been updated and a fifth volume added. Stuff is an encyclopedia of one-page lists, outlines, handouts, and guidelines on hundreds of topics to help your church do missions effectively. 

For more information or to order your CD go to
David's site or contact him by email.

Editor's note: See also 
Trip Stuff (229 forms, samples, policies, procedures, tips, guidelines, and outlines used by churches for short-term mission trips).

BOOK (and Other Resources) for Parents of Missionaries

Source: National Network of Parents of Missionaries

Parents of Missionaries: How to Thrive and Stay Connected When Your Children and Grandchildren Serve Cross-culturally
, by Cheryl Savageau and Diane Stortz. Authentic Books, 2008, 304 pages.

"Combining a counselor's professional insight and a parent's personal journey, plus ideas and stories from dozens of missionaries and POMs, 
Parents of Missionaries is a valuable tool for missions mobilizers and educators as well as parents. 

"Whether you're the parent of a missionary recruit or a parent of an experienced missionary, you'll benefit from the authors research and personal experience as they present a comprehensive plan for understanding missionary life, navigating the holidays, grand-parenting long-distance, and saying goodbye well."

This book was just released a week ago. In the US you can order it from Amazon for just $11.55 plus shipping, 
here. (Probably much harder to find outside the US.)

See also: Eight free "tip sheets" anyone can download and use (with proper attribution), from the POM network's web site:

Ten Best Benefits of Being a POM
Good POM Relationships with Adult Children
How to Pray for Parents of Missionaries 
POMs Can Grandparent Great Across the Miles! 
Top Ten Tips for Parents of Missionaries
How to Understand and Help Your Parents (for recruits and missionaries)
How Churches and Agencies Can Do POM Care
Ten Tips for Getting Through the Holidays as a POM 

Another helpful resource is the quarterly newsletter 
Harvest Legacy, published byWomen of the Harvest.

WEB SITE - Helping House Churches Do Missions

House2Harvest Network 

House2Harvest is a web-based network established to serve the thousands of simple churches: house churches, emerging churches, post-modern churches, and the like. 

This network is designed to help these churches and missions ministries connect with one another to provide training, consultation, and resources to facilitate mobilization, deployment, and engagement to the unreached, as well as wisely engaging in ministry to widows and orphans and the poorest of the poor. 

Explore or join the network through the 
web siteYou can also send an email toHouse2Harvest.

Editor's note: Want to help populate this? It seems a good opportunity for mission-agency types to serve a segment of the church that is harder to connect with than the mega-churches and  denominations are. 

See also: This article we recommended back in June - 
Who's A Better Missionary? The House Church Touching Neighborhoods Globally

BOOK - World Go! Manual Equips World Christians

Source: World Gospel Mission

World Go! Manual, World Gospel Mission, 2008. 110 pages. Available in print for US$10 or downloadable (for free!) 

What do you think of when you hear the word missionary? Do you think of a super-spiritual someone who has dedicated his or her life to serving in a particular foreign country for years to preach the gospel and plant churches? 

Well, those guys are awesome! But Christ really has called each of us as Christians to minister, to help the oppressed, to preach the gospel - essentially to be a missionary wherever we are. Regardless of where we live, how we earn our paycheck, or how capable or incapable we feel, we are to be emissaries of Christ. 

In other words, that "we" in the following verse pretty much means all of us: "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal though us." (2 Corinthians 5:20)

And that's what this manual is all about. Each of the nine sections includes a story, a summary with scripture references, and suggested action items for the reader. 

Top 10 Books on Missions

Source: Eddie Arthur, Kouya Chronicle, February 6, 2009

"I thought that I would draw together a list of what I consider to be the top ten books on overseas mission. No doubt others will disagree with the books I've listed (I may well do so myself next week). 

"I've tried to avoid books that are too academic. I've also aimed for books which deal with the contemporary realities of the world church and mission in a multicultural world. Many of the missionary biographies that I grew up reading are excellent guides to Christian discipleship, but very poor introductions to mission in a world which has changed massively over the last 50 years." 

Here's Eddie's list. Links are to Amazon.uk, but you can find these elsewhere too.

Mission After Christendom, by David Smith 
The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible's Grand Narrative, by Christopher J.H. White
Christianity Rediscovered, by Vincent J. Donovan 

Changing the Mind of Missions: Where Have We Gone Wrong? by James F. Engel and William A. Dyrness
Walking with the Poor: Principles and Practices of Transformational Development Theology, by Bryant Myers 
The Shaping of Things to Come: Innovation and Mission for the 21st Century Church, by Michael Frost
The Message of Mission, by Howard Peskett 
The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity, by Philip Jenkins 
Whose Religion is Christianity?: The Gospel Beyond the West, by Sanneh Lamin
A Time for Mission: The Challenge for Global Christianity, by Samuel Escobar

Read Eddie's comments on each - and his readers' responses - here

Editor's note: Eddie Arthur currently serves as Executive Director of Wycliffe UK. I also found much food for thought in his essay, 
Is the Age of the Great Commission Over? 

Readers might also be interested in the recent discussion of books (not necessarily "missions" books) that mission-types are recommending at
 Brigada Today.

10 Excellent Short Videos

From Compassion International

Reformed Books and Resources

Books, Sermons, Lectures, Articles and Essays

The Qualities of a Great Missionary

Qualities of a Great Missionary--Part 1

John MacArthur
All Rights Reserved

(A copy of this message on cassette tape may be obtained by calling 1-800-55-GRACE)

Acts 14:1-10        Tape GC 1747


This lesson could well be entitled, "The Qualities Of A Great Servant Of Christ." A missionary is not necessarily someone serving on foreign soil. The passage deals with Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey, certainly they exhibit qualities of a great missionary.

Click here to continue reading...

It is True!!!

"EE-TAOW" Ee-Taow! The Mouk People of Papua New Guinea They are given a foundation 1st (including the knowldge of sin, the Law -Rom 3:19-20 - and then the Mercy of God is revealed to them. (Law before Grace- Legitimate conversion bears the fruit of Joy) The Whole Tribe Gets Saved and Rejoices for 2 1/2 Hours 
Bible Storying PowerPoints Oralbibe.com 
http://www.goodseed.com/usa/video/ee-taow_vhs.aspx http://www.newwway.org/articles/Eetaow%20and%20Storying.pdf http://www.chronologicalbiblestorying.com/storying_ppts_index.htm 
www.BryanTurner.org www.livingwaters.com

Monday, May 18, 2009

Great Commission Resurgence


Then Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20, HCSB).


Southern Baptists have always been a Great Commission people. Christ’s command to go, disciple, baptize, and teach is woven into the very DNA of our churches. By God’s grace, over the last thirty years the SBC has undergone a Conservative Resurgence that has brought substantive changes to many of (Click here to view the rest of the letter).

Why I Affirm the “Great Commission Resurgence” Document

By Chuck Lawless
Anyone who knows me well knows that I do not readily sign my name to a document. I read, re-read, and re-read again. I dissect every sentence and analyze every word. Hence, when leaders within the Southern Baptist Convention produced a document entitled, (Click here to read more).

Video: Tim Keller- The City/Adrian Warnock's Comments From His Blog

Tim Keller - The City from Newfrontiers on Vimeo.

During Tim Keller's second session with Newfrontiers he spoke on the importance of cities.

Cities are strategic and have lots of people yet they are poorly served by the Church. Disporportionately important and disproportionately underepresented in terms of ministry. This is not to say that every Christian should move to the city, but that movements like Newfrontiers as a people should begin to focus on the cities more.

Biblically cities are a place of refuge. They are places of Cultrual formation and communication. Cities in the Bible were smaller 1-3000 people but densely populated and behind a wall. The fortification brought protection. In cities you had law, elders in the gate, cases were solved. Decisions made. Not just blood feuds. Away from the city it was all about farming. In cities there was specialisation and hence economy.. Civilisation literally means citification. Densely populaterd and diverse even in old times.

Cities were and are places for the weak. If you are single and in your 30s or 40s and unmarried you are a freak outside of the country, but in the city you are normal. Foreigners outside of the city feel like an alien, but in the city you are not alone. In the city there is always lots of you whoever you are. Where immigrants go to assimilate. If you are homosexual out of the cities until recently you would get beaten up, but in city you are safe. Cities are harder to live in if you are white male married with a family. For everyone else cities are easier. Eg very wealthy people are minorities in smaller community they get set upon. So they congregate to cities. Cities are merciful.

Cities are places where culture is formed. God told Adam and Eve to build a culture = dominion. They failed. Heaven is a city. Coming out of heaven it wasnt a suburb or a garden In the middle of the city is the tree of life. They were meant to turn the garden into a garden city. Garden of Eden the word used was more of an urban park.

Cities are culture forming wombs. You are thrown togetehr with people who are like you, but also with people who are not like you. This leads to massive creativity. This creative tension always births new culture. Dont abandon the place where the culture is formed and then complain about how the world is going!

Paul gets a vision - Tim joke that he was obviously not a presbtyerian or he would have said "I must have eaten something" Tim continued in light-hearted mode to claim that Paul must have been a member of Newfrontiers (!) Paul always went ot the cities to preach. So urbancentric in his mission. Ignored the countryside or rather left it for the churches he planted to reach out to Paul only planted churches in cities.

1. Personal cruciality in cities. People are constantly going through changes, not as conservative open to new ideas. People are set in their ways outside cities.

2. Cultural crucial. schools are there. Journals are there.

3.Global cruciality - win not just individual people, but win the world. Can go to morroco for ten years and do mission or go to London and reach the world. Because Christians concentrated on cities, a high percentage of cities were Christian by AD 300. Countryside remained laregely pagan and in fact htats what the word pagan means. If the cities are pagan and countryside is pagan then culture is going pagan. As the cities go so goes the culture.

Five convluding reflections

1. If you want to reach the world you try to reach cities. World is in the cities people are more open to the gospel than they would ever be in their own countries.
2. If you want to reach overseas as well as your region, reach the cities. "New Jeresey is way father from New york than Manilla" Start from the inside and work out.
3. You need to reach the city in order to reach the culture. Chruches in cities are the only hope that the things coming out will change.
4. HAve to reach the whole city to reach the world. Cant neglect the urban poor. We will have no credibility for the wider culture if we are not involved with this. The immigrants must be reached as you can prove Ephesians 2 is true - that the gospel enables people to get along who outside of Christ would never get along. Need multi-ethnic churches. Got to reach the elites.

If you really want to drive the gospel deep into your heart, you have to go to cities. Don't want anybody to think that ministry in cities is more important than elsewhere, its just that God is caling people everywhere. There are people who have come to faith in christ in cities that have changed so much that didnt believe if hadnt seen it. Gospel can change people. Complexity of cities drives you to your knees. Too many problems. Hard to grow preachers kids up to respect christianty. Can be embarrassed by church. Not so much if it is leading to salvation. Tim explained that for years he had a Q and A time after every service. He encouraged us to make a major fuss over baptism.

1. If you want to reach the world you need to reach the cities. Because the world is in the cities. There are people in the cities who are more open to the Gospel than they ever would be in their home countries (towns).
2. If you want to reach overseas as well as your region... (example a new church in the NY area planted their first church in another country. The immigrants of that church wanted to plant a church in their home country.) You have to reach the city to reach both the region and the world.

3. You have to reach the city to reach the culture. "As the cities go so goes the culture. Churches in cities are the only hope."-Tim Keller
4. You have to reach the whole city to reach the world.
-The poor cannot be neglected because God has always worked mightily among the urban poor. And we will have no credibility among the broader culture if the Christians are not radically involved with the poor. The best place to do this is in the city.
-The church has to reach the nations. Eph 2 The Gospel enables people to get along in Christ who otherwise would never be able to get along. You have to have multiethnic churches.
5. If you really want to drive the Gospel deep in your heart you have to go to the cities.