Storying the Bible in North America
Chronological Bible Storying is changing Christian communication and training dramatically. Church planters that learn how to address oral learning preferences will ride what has been called by some “the next wave of missions advance.”
Mike Mohler, pastor of Trinity Point, a new church plant in an affluent part of Easley, SC, turned to Bible storying for their family small groups. They grew from one small adult Bible study to nine small groups with 90 participating that met in homes in a span of six months.
Cathy Palmer found that her work among refugees in Clarkston, Ga., was accelerated when she gathered women to sew quilts and casually introduced them to one Bible story at a time.
A Nehemiah Church planter in Louisville, Ky., found Bible Storying extremely effective in evangelizing and then discipling several Muslim-background and Catholic Iraqis.
It can be said that about half of...
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