The following was found at Dr. Mike Stroope's blog. It is the theology of missions that one of Dr. Mike Stroope's students has. I was so impressed with it that I thought through it and have added in italics my thoughts and expansions to better describe my own theology of missions.
The mission (which is to display the Light, the glory of God, through both word and deed, to a fallen world which was given to the collection of blessed ones) cannot be separated from the identity of God’s people.
Mission is who the church is (as in what we, the collective blessed ones, are to naturally do), not what the church does (mission is what the church does if the church is being sanctified and made more like God).
It is God’s mission, however, and not the church’s mission (It is God's mission first. And because it is God's mission, then and only then, can it be the church's mission).
The mission of church is to actively and faithfully bear witness (through overflowing actions and proclamations) to who they are and to their God.
God has a church for his mission, and not a mission for the church (Because God has a mission, He has chosen a collection of blessed ones as His instruments, to tell of His greatness, to display His glory through, which is the mission of the church).
Through the participation in God’s redemptive and restorative mission, both the church and the world are changed. (Amen!)
Found HERE
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