Monday, July 9, 2012

Safe Drinking Water Silver Lined Filters

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Does salvation include social justice?

Stetzer asks the question, “Should the definition of “salvation” be expanded beyond personal redemption of sins to include social justice through the reformation of economic and political institutions?”
This question is quite relevant in our current missional culture. Is the primary purpose and mission of Christians to “fix” society, culture, and politics in addition to sharing the Good News of Christ? Personally, I feel that we should keep our focus upon the simplicity and centrality of Christ Jesus. Nothing else matters eternally. That does not mean that ministering through platforms that address issues of social justice is not part of the equation. I feel that engaging in ministering to human needs is more of a way of life that points to the Good News rather than an end in itself.   As we live a missional life and share the Good News, we should inevitably CLICK HERE to read the rest of the article.

5 Ways to Be Missional

City PplMissional is not an event or a project that we just  to add on our busy schedule. As Christians, being missional is a lifestyle.  We are to be salt and light and make disciples as we go.  We can be missional in everyday ways through our normal routine & activities. Here are a few ideas to live missionally on the go:
  1. Eat with Non-Christians. Make a focused attempt to eat with folks outside of the Christian culture. Use the time to develop deeper relationships & share life with others.
  2. Get outside. Go on a walk or hang out in a park. Be deliberate in your walk. Get to know people & strike up conversations. Take the dog or the kids & engage people intentionally. Take interest in your neighbors. Ask questions. Pray as you go.
  3. Be a CLICK HERE to read the rest of this article.

Travel and Safety Training is Crucial for Christians Traveling Abroad!

Pastors, team leaders, and volunteers going on mission need to be concerned about the increasing trend of crisis situations when traveling overseas.  Obviously, Mexico and the border have been a recent concern for us here in Texas, and then the team detained in Haiti has been a strong reminder that despite our benevolent intentions, things can go significantly wrong.
The reality is that any time that an American leaves U.S. soil, he/she is CLICK HERE to read the rest of this article.